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We Shall Respect One Another And Our Differences

Appreciation of the religious diversity in a multi-religious society is an essential factor in maintaining social harmony. This is in line with where appreciating kindness and common values of other religions is among the important elements in maintaining harmony.

Discover The Essentials of Artificial Intelligence

Sarawak is prioritising the adoption of emerging technologies including AI to accelerate the State’s economic growth through the Sarawak Digital Economy Blueprint 2030.

Sarawak Energy and Masdar Join Forces to Advance Renewable Energy Development

Sarawak’s strategic shift towards renewable hydropower began in the 1980s with the commissioning of the Batang Ai Hydroelectric Plant in 1985. With over 40 years of experience in hydropower development, the Sarawak Government-owned energy development group has evolved into Malaysia's hydropower specialist, with a vision to be a regional renewable energy powerhouse committed to a sustainable future.

STB Shows Unwavering Commitment to Integrity

STB has been steadfast in instilling integrity values in its operations, starting with the launch of their Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP) and Corruption Risk Management (CRM) Plan last year during STB’s inaugural Integrity Day 2022.

Modul Integriti Penguat Kuasa Sarawak

Penghasilan Modul Integriti Penguat Kuasa Sarawak menekankan kesedaran, penerapan nilai integriti dan tadbir urus dalam kalangan penjawat awam yang menjalankan fungsi penguatkuasaan di Sarawak.

Making Cities in Sarawak Child Friendly

As part of its goal of becoming socially inclusive in an advanced state by 2030, Sarawak is turning to a UNICEF initiative that focuses on prioritising children’s rights and well-being in urban development.

RUU Ombudsman Sarawak Diluluskan

Kerajaan Sarawak memperkenalkan undang-undang ombudsman berdasarkan pada peruntukan dalam Perkara 7, Senarai II (Senarai Negeri) Jadual Kesembilan Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang memberi kuasa kepada Kerajaan Negeri untuk menggubal hal-hal berkaitan dengan jentera Kerajaan Negeri, khusus untuk perkhidmatan negeri.

Insentif Bantuan Pelajar Ditingkatkan Dalam Bajet 2024

Kerajaan Sarawak sentiasa prihatin kepada keperluan pendidikan terutama bagi mengurangkan tekanan kos sara hidup terutama di kalangan golongan berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana.

Pengalaman di Sekolah Menengah Antarabangsa Yayasan Sarawak

Yayasan Sarawak International Secondary School (YSISS) mengguna pakai kurikulum Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) yang diiktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa.

Forest Carbon Activities: For Greater Conservation and Sustainability

For Sarawak, forest carbon activities are not just instrumental in its transition to a green economy, but also avenues in conserving its natural heritage and driving sustainable development.

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