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Why Sport Investment Matters

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To governments around the world, investing in sport in its numerous aspects have benefits that go beyond producing athletes who can make their nations proud through their performances in international competitions.

Sport initiatives targeting the general public, for example, can encourage them to adopt healthier lifestyles by incorporating exercise into their routine. This in turn can increase their productivity and reduce costs in healthcare.

Within communities, participating in sports can boost collaborative efforts among themselves and with other stakeholders, including local sport associations and government agencies. It also bolsters social relationships by uniting people from diverse background, and fostering a sense of common purpose and identity.

Most importantly, sports offer positive outlets for youth to stay focused, engaged and confident during their pastime. As they improve their traits such as leadership, teamwork and determination through sports, they are lowering their susceptibility to negative social influences.

Sports can serve as outlets for youth to improve their mental well-being. Photo by Joppe Spaa on Unsplash

Investments in sport by governments come in different forms, be they implementation of sports programmes across all levels of education, provision of support to community sports, or utilisation of technology to enhance athletes’ performance.

All these should go hand in hand with the appropriate infrastructure – and it is this form of sport investment that the Sarawak Government continues to prioritise as it strives to become a sport powerhouse.

There are more benefits to sport investment by governments besides nurturing athletes who can compete locally and internationally. Photo by Jonathan Chng on Unsplash

Prior to the start of the 21st SUKMA Games in August 2024, the Government through the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Entrepreneur Development and its agency, Sarawak Sports Corporation made preparations for venues in Sarawak to be fully equipped based on sport standards specifications.

Setting aside allocation for infrastructure maintenance is a vital investment for a country’s sport industry. Photo by Cerevisae @ Wikimedia Commons

These involved upgrading works for 24 existing facilities and construction of three new ones in divisions of Kuching, Samarahan, Sri Aman, Sibu, Mukah, Bintulu and Miri.

It is part of its overall efforts to provide conducive, safe and high-standard sports and social facilities in promoting the growth of world-class Sarawakian athletes.

These efforts are ongoing rather than dependent on major sports events such as SUKMA. To illustrate, the aforementioned ministry together with its implementing agencies are ensuring the timely completion of various physical projects under Projek Rakyat and the 12th Malaysia Plan.

Among them are proposed improvement works to Kapit Indoor Stadium and Kapit Swimming Pool that are to be tendered in June 2024 and to begin in early September 2024.

Others are upgrading works to Miri Public Swimming Pool – including a proposed retrofitting and installation of Covered Outdoor Learning Areas (COLAs), as well as repair works for its pump and filtration systems – that are expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2025.

“My ministry has been persistent in encouraging and supporting athletes and sportsmen to accomplish their mission to winning competition in national as well as international level.

“The continuous efforts by the Sarawak Government to allocate sport facilities throughout the divisions and district level have benefitted especially in strengthening communities, promoting social bonds, and supporting youth in the urban as well as rural areas,” said its minister YB Dato Sri Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah during his winding up speech at the Dewan Undangan Sarawak sitting in May 2024.

Furthermore, the Government’s investment in sport infrastructure is in line with aspirations of Post COVID-19 Development Strategy 2030 to accelerate socio-economic growth through strategic thrusts that includes social inclusivity.

This, added Dato Sri Haji Abdul Karim, is being achieved “by narrowing urban and rural development with greater urban-rural economic integration, capacity building, and community participation for sustainable development.”

Investing in sport initiatives focusing on the general public can help promote a healthy lifestyle, regardless of age. Photo by Choo Yut Shing @ Flickr


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