RAKAN Sarawak Destiny Movers

RAKAN Sarawak Destiny Movers (RSDM): Legacy 2050 event aimed at fostering social cohesion and solidarity for the successful implementation of Sarawak’s development projects.

Event Structure

The “RSDM: Legacy 2050” event comprises two key components:

Gamification & Immersive Experience

First, you will engage in interactive games and simulations providing insights into Sarawak’s core values and development plans.

This immersive journey will enhance understanding of development initiatives, challenges, and individual roles in their success.

Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and Workshops

Next, you will take part in discussions that will give you a deeper understanding of your roles in shaping Sarawak’s future.

Led by Development Communication practitioners, these discussions aim to empower youth of Lundu District to contribute meaningfully to the envisioned future of Sarawak.


  • Provide a platform for civil servants to communicate development plans and programs.
  • Highlight the significance of Sarawak society’s core values in achieving development goals.
  • Guide communities in understanding and contributing to Sarawak’s development objectives.

Expected Outputs

  • Establish clear communication channels between development implementors and stakeholders.
  • Foster partnerships awith local organisations for sustained community engagement.
  • Gather the community’s feedback to inform the development process and prioritize community needs.
  • Offer opportunities for active stakeholder participation and education.
  • Address community concerns and promote local economic opportunities.
  • Celebrate local culture and identity within development initiatives.
  • Establish Community Benefit Agreements (CBA) to ensure mutual benefits and collaboration.

Photo Gallery

The Values that Binds Us – An Immersive Theater Production

A narrative to illustrate Sarawak’s journey from a nation of warring ethnic tribes to a nation that is acknowledged today as a model of unity and harmony. The values of our society are the enablers in making Sarawak a united, harmonious and inclusive society.


Unity and harmony is a strong foundation for economic prosperity, inclusive growth and environmental sustainability

Date: 17 December 2023
Venue: Kuching, Sarawak
Registration Fee: RM250.00
Limited places available. First come first served.

Sarawak Immersive Play for People Engagement – Weaving of Immersive Play elements

RAKAN Sarawak Destiny Movers is pleased to extend an invitation to you to take part in the next level of the Sarawak Immersive Play for People Engagement course, which is the Weaving of Immersive Play Elements, which will be implemented on:

Date: 15 September 2023
Time: 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Medium: Zoom application

Programme Details

General Objective: To co-create the Sarawak Immersive Play for People Engagement

DatesActivitiesMode of Communication
August 7-11, 2023Gamification WorkshopF2F at Kuching, Sarawak
August 14-18, 2023Archival Work/Data Gathering
Send email to partners, and creation of
Google space
Asynchronous work
August 24, 2023, 7-8:30PMDesign FrameworkZoom meeting
August 28-September 1, 2023Story and Game DevelopmentAsynchronous work
September 7, 2023, 7-8:30PMStory and Game Design PresentationZoom meeting
September 11-14, 2023Game Mechanics DevelopmentAsynchronous work
September 15, 7-8:30PMWeaving of Immersive Play elementsZoom meeting

RSDM Gamification Workshop: 7-11 August 2023

7-11 August 2023
Kuching Park Hotel, Kuching

RAKAN SARAWAK believes that in an age of division, the world deserves a platform that

  • brings people together,
  • providing a common narrative and,
  • a sense of shared purpose.

RAKAN Sarawak “Destiny Movers” event communicates the values of the Sarawak Civil Service and
Sarawak’s society
~ To highlight the whole-of-society approach in strengthening the values of Sarawak society

This is a project implemented by Faradale Media-M Sdn Bhd and Unit Komunikasi Awam Sarawak for the State Secretary’s Office, Premier’s Department.

RAKAN Sarawak “Destiny Movers” event complements the RAKAN Sarawak magazine and other social media platforms that communicates the policies, programs, and development projects of the government.

RAKAN Sarawak “DESTINY MOVERS” event is our interactive, participatory, people engagement platform focused on STRENGTHENING the values of Sarawak society that are the foundations for Sarawak’s success as an economic powerhouse with an inclusive society. It taps the power of storytelling for people engagement.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Establish stronger partnership and collaboration among the public, private and civil society sectors
  • Generate spin-off people engagement projects among entities with related missions
  • Establish a platform that focuses attention to those in the fringes of society and give recognition to those entities and individuals who ensure that they are not left behind.

Tentative Programme

Additional Course Materials

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RSDM Brochure