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Responsible Data Handling

Trust is impacted by data breaches. Although there is no financial justification for organizations to take this into consideration, society cannot ignore its effects.

Perlu Literasi Data Dan Maklumat

Literasi data dan maklumat adalah kemahiran yang perlu dipelajari dan dimiliki oleh setiap individu sebagai prasyarat untuk melangkah ke era globalisasi maklumat dan Revolusi Industri 4.0.

Data Driven Government

In today’s digital era where the society is moving so quickly from one thing to the next, leveraging on data helps government organizations more with the ever-changing landscape by becoming more well-informed, particularly during real-time analysis on areas that needs attention.

Open Data Ecosystem

Open data refers to the information that collected, produced data and paid for by the public and are freely available for anybody for reuse for any purpose.

Better Evidence for Decision Making

Results-orientated governments are increasingly making use of hard data and statistical analysis to enlighten decisions.

Innovative Uses of Data

Public service become more citizen-centric by utilising data and information to better understand public needs.

Technological Innovation in Sarawak’s Flood Warning System

A look at a few technological initiatives by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) at the federal and state – specifically Sarawak – levels that involve improving Malaysia’s flood warning system.

Data dan Inovasi Menjana Kebolehpasaran Sumber Ekonomi

Pembangunan Pusat Data dan Inovasi Sarawak berpotensi besar dalam memacu perkembangan sektor ekonomi baharu selaras dengan mandat Kerajaan Sarawak tahun 2030. Kerajaan kekal relevan dalam memenuhi permintaan dalam sektor ekonomi digital di semua peringkat melalui keterbukaan dalam transformasi digital.

‘SAVI3D’ Sedang Dibangunkan Untuk Kegunaan Umum

Penggunaan data 3D melalui sistem SAVI3D (Sarawak Virtual 3D City Modelling System) dapat dimanfaatkan oleh semua pengguna sebagaimana perkhidmatan digital yang lain seperti eLASIS dan Mobile LASIS.

Data and Innovation Remain Vital in Sarawak’s Digitalisation

Sarawak will innovate using data to increase productivity, develop high value products, improve safety and environmental conservation

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