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KKP Menyumbang Kepada Pencapaian Matlamat ESG

Alam Sekitar (Environmental), Sosial (Social), dan Tadbir Urus (Governance) ataupun akronimnya ESG merupakan istilah yang digunakan oleh pelabur untuk menerangkan bidang yang bercirikan amalan kelestarian, bertanggungjawab, atau etika sesebuah organisasi.

Challenges and Obstacles to Implementing Innovation in Malaysia’s Public Service

Examining the challenges hindering innovation in Malaysia’s public service, including bureaucracy, leadership gaps, and resource limitations, while offering recommendations to improve innovation efforts, including flexible work structures.

Kesedaran Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam

Kesedaran tentang Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (KKP) di tempat kerja termasuk dalam sektor Perkhidmatan Awam perlu dipertingkatkan memandangkan ia boleh mempengaruhi produktiviti dan kesejahteraan pekerja.

Innovation Catalyst for Public Service Transformation

Exploring the transformative role of innovation in Malaysia's public service, highlighting key initiatives, challenges, and Sarawak’s efforts to enhance efficiency, citizen engagement, and overall service delivery.

Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Sektor Awam

Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (KKP) memainkan peranan penting dalam memastikan kesejahteraan dan keselamatan pekerja di pelbagai sektor, termasuk sektor perkhidmatan awam.

Solid Waste Management (SWM): Challenges, Opportunities, and Community Involvement

Examining solid waste management in Sarawak, addressing its challenges, opportunities, and the community’s role in fostering sustainable practices to improve recycling, waste infrastructure, and environmental awareness in the region.

Projek Agropolitan Pemangkin Kemajuan Sektor Pertanian

Konsep projek Agropolitan mula diperkenalkan semasa tertubuhnya pembangunan Wilayah Ekonomi Pantai Timur (ECER) dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK9) yang bermatlamat untuk menghapuskan golongan miskin tegar selain untuk membangunkan kawasan tersebut.

Solid Waste Management (SWM) in a Circular Economy

An overview of Solid Waste Management (SWM) and its crucial role in the circular economy. This article highlights key concepts, challenges, and global efforts to transform waste into valuable resources.

Online Fraud Awareness Essential for Public Safety

Awareness and education remains a crucial measure for Malaysia to protect its citizens from online fraud – preventive and mitigating measures to mechanisms of reporting scams.

The Increasing Prevalence of Online Fraud

As online fraud becomes more sophisticated alongside advancement in digital technologies, there is a need for every individual worldwide to be aware and vigilant of its nature, various forms and threats.

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