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Edisi Bercetak | Printed Edition

RAKAN Sarawak (Apr-Jun) 2021

Projek Naik Taraf Hospital Umum Sarawak Secara PFIApabila siap sepenuhnya kelak, Hospital Umum Sarawak mampu meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dengan mengurangkan tempoh masa menunggu rawatan...

RAKAN Sarawak (Jan – Mar) 2021

Jambatan Batang Lupar Dijangka Siap Menjelang Suku Pertama 2025Projek bernilai RM11 bilion ini akan memakan masa lebih dari lima (5) tahun untuk disiapkan. Kedua-dua...

RAKAN Sarawak (Oct-Dec) 2020

Contents: Innovation is of Growing Importance for Governments and Public Service Organisations Be Sensitive to Complaints and Suggestions from the Public Building Economic Resilience Post COVID-19 Pandemic Conversation...

RAKAN Sarawak (Jul-Sep) 2020

Contents: Changing Environment, Business No Longer as Usual in The Public Sector Adapt to Change and Create Future Opportunities Sarawak Day 2020 Staying United in the Spirit of...

RAKAN Sarawak (Apr-Jun) 2020

Contents: A Professional Civil Service Bound by Ethics Culture Care and Service from the Heart COVID-19 : Disaster Management Healthcare Workers: The unsung heroes amidst the Covid-19 Outbreak COVID-19...

RAKAN Sarawak (Jan-Mar) 2020

Contents: Continuous Improvement of e-Government Initiatives Authenticity and Empathy Dinamik Dan Proaktif Dengan Perkembangan Semasa Service Sarawak Akan Diperluaskan Ke Setiap Bahagian Dan Daerah Kukuhkan Integriti dan Jati Diri...

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